Are you ready to experience the hope of Christmas Eve?
You are invited to be part of this holy night that
will fill our hearts with God's love as we gather at the manger!
Are you ready to experience the hope of Christmas Eve?
You are invited to be part of this holy night that
will fill our hearts with God's love as we gather at the manger!
Two Services
Family Friendly
In-Person or Online
Christmas gets stressful.
- It's difficult to find quality time
- It's hard to focus on what matters
- Guests are popping in unexpectedlyHAt
.... but Christmas is about so much more than that.
Join in worship as we come to the manger and celebrate the birth of Jesus!
At Wake Forest UMC, we want worship to be one of the best parts of your Christmas Eve.
Your kids will love WFUMC Christmas! We want to create a place where the entire family can belong and love following Jesus.
Beloved Traditions
We know the importance of traditions that help Christmas feel like home. All of our services will have carols, scripture and sermon.
Beautiful Music
Even though we may have been listening to Christmas music for weeks, nothing replaces a full sanctuary of voices singing those beloved songs.
We're saving you a seat!
Two Services to Choose From
5pm - Traditional Candlelight Service with Children's Interactive Nativity
7pm - Traditional Candlelight Service
5pm - Traditional Candlelight Service with Children's Interactive Nativity
Handbell Choir, Special Music, Children’s Interactive Nativity (for all who want to join in), Communion w/ Prefilled Communion Cups, and Traditional Candle Lighting, Sermon: "The Nature of Hope"
7pm - Traditional Candlelight Service
Covenant Choir, Special Music, Traditional Communion and Traditional Candle Lighting, Sermon: "The Nature of Hope"
How to get involved this Christmas
1. Attend a Service this December
Worship is the best way to connect and get involved this Christmas! WFUMC has a service each Sunday at 10am as well as two on Christmas Eve, 5pm and 7pm. In addition, we have our Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 15th, at the 10am service.
2. Share Generously
In this season, WFUMC offers several ways to give back. Our general fund giving helps the mission and ministry of WFUMC as well as supporting various missions and local community engagement. Our Angel Tree partnership with families in need from Wake Forest Elementary School happens in December.
3. Attend a Special Event
December 8th - Children’s Christmas Shop 3-5PM
December 15th - Christmas Cantata at 10am
December 15th - Children and Youth Christmas Cantant at 5pm
4. Join a Group or Serve in 2025
We were all created to be in community and to be the hands and feet of Christ. Interested in joining a group or findng a way to serve? Pastor Jim would love to talk and help you get connected.
Wake Forest United Methodist Church is a vibrant and welcoming congregation known for its community outreach and inclusivity. The church offers an empowering worship service, emphasizing spiritual growth, fellowship and service for all ages. Located in the downtown area of Wake Forest, the church provides various ministries, including youth programs, Bible studies, and mission opportunities. Wake Forest UMC is dedicated to nurturing faith, supporting local causes, and fostering a compassionate and active faith community.