God provides for the ministry of our church through your tithes and offerings and your gifts are honored with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and accountability to our lead team and denomination. It’s more than keeping the lights on and the gears turning; it’s about personal worship to God and handing Him back what He already owns…and it’s about lives changing through the transformative power of the Gospel in our region and beyond. 


"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?  Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

~1 Chronicles 29:14


If you would like to make a donation to the church online, simply click the Donate Online button. After clicking the “donate” button, you will be connected to our secure payment processing center

Pray for WFUMC

We are asking that you prayerfully support and sacrificially give to fulfill God’s vision for the future of our Church. Come along side and be part of the next phase of our miraculous story, and prepare to be blessed. Thank you for partnering and investing in the ministry of Our Church and in our community as well as giving to further God’s Kingdom!

We are excited to meet you!

Ways to Give at WFUMC

At Wake Forest United Methodist Church, we make giving as simple as possible. There are many ways for you to make a contribution. Whether it's in the Sunday morning offering plate, an online contribution, or stock donation, you can choose from multiple giving options.


In Person - On Sundays you may place a check or cash in the offering plate when it is passed during worship services.  You may also drop donations by the Church Office during the week.


Online - Vanco is our online giving portal - an easy, safe, and faithful method for setting up your recurring contributions.  This service is provided through Vanco Payment Solutions, and includes several convenient options that save you time and eliminate worry.  Choose from electronic funds transfer from your checking/savings account, as well as debit/credit cards.  


Using the Vanco App - Vanco Mobile is available in the  Google Play store and the Apple App store.   


Text To Give - Or you may text to give.  Text the dollar amount ($) to 844-334-4842.


Stocks or Bonds - WFUMC provides details on how to give stocks and bonds below.  

Bond & Stock Transfer Instructions

  • Donor instructs their broker to transfer the stocks or bonds to the following brokerage account with Edward Jones- Account 477-27797-1-8 (Telephone 984-235-1075).
  • Donor notifies WFUMC of the pending transfer by sending an email to or calling our Financial Secretary at 919-556-2239.  Include the name and affiliation of your broker, a description of the stock (number of shares and approximate value), and any applicable restrictions (i.e. general fund, building fund, etc).
  • The value of the stocks or bonds at the time of transfer can be obtained from the donor’s broker.
  • A letter acknowledging the gift will be provided to the donor by WFUMC within 30 days of the stock transfer.
  • Donor is hereby advised to retain documentation related to gift transactions and review tax implications with a qualified advisor.

Questions?  Email

Generosity in Motion 2025

We invite you to join in prayerfully filling out a commitment card for your family's giving in 2025.  Stewardship, or Generosity, is our personal commitment to faith as we journey toward God’s goal of tithing. It is part of our Christian formation and daily walk with Jesus. Stewardship is when we give back to God what God has entrusted to us! Stewardship is about empowering WFUMC to be all that God calls us to be! 


The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. ~ Psalm 126:3


Faithful One, you have entrusted us with so many gifts that are more important than worldly possessions. You have called us to be stewards of all that you have created. We strive to fulfill your call to be generous stewards by openly sharing the gifts you placed under our care. We know that we visibly demonstrate our commitment to your work in this world by giving our tithes and offerings. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. 

FAQs for Giving at WFUMC

Have questions? We have the answers!

Your gifts to Wake Forest United Methodist Church help to make and nurture Christian disciples. Contributions help make happen our desire for worship, education, fellowship, outreach, and caring. We highly value transparency in our budgeting and reporting.

When I give to Wake Forest United Methodist Church, where does my money go?
How do I modify an existing recurring gift?
What is your online giving privacy policy?
Why does the Church ask for an “estimate of giving” toward next year?
If I give a donation to the church, will I receive a tax receipt?

End of Year and IRA Giving

  • End of Year Gifts
  • As you consider your end of year gifts, please ensure that the following timelines are considered if you would like a gift to be included on your 2024 giving statement for tax purposes. Gifts that meet one of the following criteria can be posted in 2024:
  • ·       Given in the offering plate: by Dec 29
  • ·       Hand delivered to the office: by Dec 31 (office closes at noon)
  • ·       Postmarked: by Dec 31
  • ·       Online gifts: processed by Dec 31 (allow 3 business days for processing)
  • If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Lisa at or 919/556-2239.

Your end of year giving can make a big impact on the ministry of Wake Forest United Methodist Church.  We have provided two PDFs to help you learn about the various options and tax advantages available to you.  


Click to Read about End of Year Giving

Click to Read about IRA Giving