Hey friends! We're all about reaching more people with the life-changing message of Jesus. And you can help make that happen by writing positive reviews for our church online. 


When you look for a new restaurant to visit, you probably check the reviews first. And people looking for a church do the same thing. In your reviews for our church, you can add photos, please try to be specific about why you love being part of the church, and share why someone should come check it out. Here are some example reviews people have left for our church:


We've been members here for some years. The atmosphere is low-key, devout and friendly. The pastor is authentic, personable, and a great preacher. He talks with you rather than at you. The church is quietly and securely in the center of things having room for a full range of views. There is great emphasis on service especially to the local community and the church actively leads and supports efforts on several fronts.


The children's ministry at this church is amazing! They have fun activities including VBS, summer camps, Trunk or Treat, Christmas shop, Easter Egg Hunt, and so much more. Sunday School from preschool to high school is fun at every age level! The children and their families are truly loved and welcomed!

Here's some sentence starter ideas (just pick 2-3 of your favorites!)

  • I found Wake Forest UMC....
  • My favorite ministry here is....
  • WFUMC serves others by....
  • Worship is.... 
  • You would love WFUMC if you're.....
  • WFUMC's best events are...
  • WFUMC has helped me in my walk of faith because...
  • I see God moving at WFUMC .... 


To make the BIGGEST impact, write a review on each of the platforms listed below (no worries if you just copy-paste the text on several platforms).